Supporting skills development

10 May 2024

In this time of digital transformation, jobs in the Group's various entities are set to evolve. Yesterday’s skills needs are not the same as those of tomorrow. We need to invest in training to ensure that every employee can enjoy long-term employment prospects.

The various activities carried out throughout the Group are evolving, chiefly because of the integration of new technologies central to our processes. This situation requires that each of our businesses must continually adapt if it is to remain competitive in the marketplace. For our teams, this means investing heavily in skills development to ensure that everyone has long-term employment prospects and can continue to offer our customers a service of the highest quality.


Strengthen consulting and support

Digital transformation continues to have a strong influence on the development of the activities in which POST is active.  "In our Telecom & ICT business, for example, digital technology has enabled us to automate a large number of processes, allowing us to place greater emphasis on advising and supporting customers in their digital transformation – work of higher added value. We also need new skills, particularly in data enhancement and cyber security," explained Cliff Konsbruck, POST Telecom Director and Assistant Managing Director.

Adapting to industry changes

Logistics and distribution activities still rely on many manual processes, particularly sorting. One of the challenges of coping with the increase in volumes handled and reducing health and safety risks is to transform operations digitally, with greater automation. This transformation should enable the same team to handle more parcels per hour, while improving working conditions. By simplifying the execution of tedious and repetitive tasks, automation is a key facilitator for improving our efficiency, but it does call for the right support for employees.

Enabling everyone to develop

Ultimately, the digital transformation of financial services processes will make it possible to offer higher quality services, thereby promoting users’ autonomy in their transactions and access to information. “In this context, every employee must be able to evolve in their role by adopting digital solutions that makes easier to carry out many tasks, or by acquiring new skills that are essential to the development of the business," explained Gabriel de La Bourdonnaye, POST Finance Director. "The challenge is to support these changes by implementing training programmes for each employee.”

Investing in training to boost employability

POST invests heavily in training to meet the skills challenge, while guaranteeing that every employee has long-term prospects. The issue is to ensure successful adaptation to the changes taking place, to allow everyone to progress in their job, or even to change jobs.

“Employability is crucial in an environment where our business sectors are constantly evolving and being reorganised,” confirmed Isabelle Faber, Head of Human Resources, Public Relations and CSR. "Our employees must be provided with long-term employment prospects. POST must be perceived as offering a secure working environment in which everyone can envisage an enduring professional future. This requires appropriate training programs.”

64,251 hours of training in 2023

In 2023, the Group provided a total of 64,251 hours of training to its employees, an increase of 38% on the previous year. 74% of the Group’s employees have received at least one training course, with an average of 19 hours training per person.

Employees can take advantage of a wide choice of professional development opportunities from a catalogue of training courses, both face-to-face and e-learning. The subjects on offer range from language learning to the acquisition of skills linked to the protection of private data and contract negotiation. Many specialised training courses keep our employees at the cutting edge in their areas of expertise.

Field staff (engineers, technicians, installers, etc.) and agents in direct contact with customers (in call centres and Espaces POST) also receive ongoing training on specific subjects related to their areas of responsibility, such as fibre and other technologies, or the use of latest-generation applications.

About POST Luxembourg

POST Luxembourg is the country's leading postal and telecommunications operator, offering its services to residential and business customers. Other activities include postal financial services and philately. With over 4,700 employees working for the company and its subsidiaries, the POST Luxembourg Group is one of Luxembourg's leading employers.

Founded in 1842 as an administration, POST Luxembourg has been a public company owned by the Luxembourg State since 1992. Facilitating the communication and transmission of information, data and content between individuals and businesses in Luxembourg and around the world is the vision of the POST Luxembourg Group.

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Supplier Code of Conduct

The Procurement Department has developed a code of conduct to promote purchasing and subcontracting in line with POST Luxembourg's CSR approach.

Integrated Report 2022

Discover how POST creates value for all our stakeholders and Luxembourg, as well as the CSR approach that is embedded in all our activities.