The LCGB and OGBL national unions and the "Syndicat des P&T" association sign an agreement for the renewal of the collective labor agreement - POSTGroup
The LCGB and OGBL national unions and the "Syndicat des P&T" association sign an agreement for the renewal of the collective labor agreement
14 December 2020

The LCGB and OGBL national unions and the "Syndicat des P&T" association have reached an agreement with POST Luxembourg management on the renewal of the collective labor agreement (CCT). Concluded for a period of three years, with effect from January 1, 2021, the new CCT aims to upgrade certain careers and improve working time management.
On Monday December 14, 2020, an agreement was signed between LCGB, OGBL, Syndicat des P&T and POST Luxembourg management on the renewal of the collective labor agreement (CCT).
The result of the negotiations focuses on two main areas. On the one hand, an upgrading of certain careers to enable POST to remain competitive in a highly coveted job market and gain operational stability.
On the other hand, the parties agreed to completely overhaul working hours, introduce a POST time savings account and institutionalize telecommuting, in view of the increasingly complex management of working time as a result of the widespread flexibilization of work organization. To compensate for the extended negotiation period, a one-off bonus will be paid to employees with their December 2020 salary, in proportion to their date of hire and rate of employment.
The new collective labor agreement will run for three years, with effect from January 1, 2021.
"For the P&T Union, the efforts made, particularly for the lower careers, were necessary. We have always argued that the minimum wage at a public institution like POST Luxembourg should be higher than the social minimum wage. We recognize that the improvements in working conditions and the efforts made by POST Luxembourg are in line with our expectations, but we will continue to work towards the 4.0 collective labor agreement," says Gilbert Goergen, representing the P&T Union.
"The LCGB and its delegates are delighted to propose a new labor agreement for employees that represents a major step forward in terms of working conditions, including a complete overhaul of the salary grid as well as an upgrading of careers. In line with employees' expectations, the LCGB is proud to have been able to negotiate an increase in the meal allowance, the introduction of the Relevé Epargne Temps (RET), a system inspired by the Compte Epargne Temps, medical check-ups and the right to disconnect," asserts Céline Conter, union secretary of the LCGB (Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschaftsbond).
"This agreement is a step in the right direction, particularly as regards improvements in pay and working conditions. The OGBL, aware of the potential for improvements in the current CLA, will immediately start preparing for the next negotiations in 2024", says Christian Sikorski, Central Secretary of the OGBL Public Service Union (Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzebuerg).
And Claude Olinger, Director of Human Resources at POST Luxembourg, concludes: "We are delighted with the agreements reached with the social partners, and I am confident that the adaptation of the new measures will contribute to the modernization of the company".
Note to editors:
Historical reminder:
POST Luxembourg's first collective labor agreement ("CCT") dates back to September 2013 to provide a framework for remuneration and career prospects for employees hired under salaried status.
When it was renewed in 2016, one of the main changes was to conditionally link the evolution of salary scales to that of the civil service index point.
This principle was applied for the first time in 2018 when the 1.5% adjustment in the value of the index point at civil service level (under the December 5, 2016 wage agreement) was passed on to employees covered by the POST Luxembourg collective agreement with effect from June 1, 2018.
Negotiations officially began on May 18, 2018. At the end of November of the same year, the unions presented their catalog of demands, which ultimately aimed for a complete adaptation of employees' remuneration arrangements to those of state employees.
Composition of the negotiating commission:
The negotiating committee was made up of members of the Syndicat des P&T (Gilbert Goergen), the LCGB (Madame Céline Conter), the OGBL (Christian Sikorski) and members of the POST Luxembourg employee delegation.
POST Luxembourg management was represented by Claude Olinger, assisted by Nadine Fleschen, Christian Bizzarri and Brian O'Neill.
The Managing Director, Claude Strasser, intervened at the end of the negotiations to help hammer out an agreement.
(Source : POST Luxembourg, 14 décembre 2020)
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