Reducing the environmental footprint of our activities

In our CSR approach, we seek to identify the levers that make it possible to reduce the environmental impact of our activities and that of our customers. Our ambition is to lay the foundations for the development of our activities and services, incorporating efforts to minimise our environmental impacts and implement a carbon-free economy by 2050.

Improving our energy efficiency

Through the management of our buildings and our telecom & ICT infrastructures, or even in terms of the services we offer, POST seeks to identify the different levers to improve its energy efficiency. 

With this in mind, we are working to:


Eliminate unnecessary energy costs.

Reduce and optimize

Reduce and optimize the energy consumption required to operate our services.

Explore solutions

Explore solutions for self-production of renewable energy.


Raising our customers’ awareness of the challenges of energy sobriety.

Optimising our data centres

Regarding the running of our data centres, which are energy-intensive infrastructures, POST has set itself the target of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, with clear criteria to be respected in the following areas: energy efficiency, clean energy, water conservation, circular economy and heat recovery.

Reducing the networks’ energy requirements

With regard to fixed and mobile telecommunications networks, by deploying less energy-intensive technologies and accelerating the decommissioning of older generation networks, the aim is to reduce the energy consumption of facilities by 15% by 2025, while maintaining the quality of the service offered to users.

Improving our carbon footprint

In terms of the climate targets pursued, POST measures its carbon footprint across all of its activities transparently with a view to establishing a robust action plan that aims to reduce its CO2 emissions.

Prioritising electromobility

Within POST Luxembourg, the objective is to achieve a proportion of 90% electric vehicles by 2026. These vehicles, supplied with carbon-free electricity, should allow us to reduce our carbon footprint linked in particular to the delivery of mail and parcels. In 2023, electric vehicles represented 30% of the fleet and accounted for 20% of total kilometres travelled.

Minimising the number of kilometres travelled

As part of this approach, thought is being given to minimising, as much as possible, the number of kilometres travelled while maintaining the level of quality of the services offered. Reducing the kilometres travelled by 10% each year to deliver the same quantity of parcels should help reduce our environmental impact while shoring up our profitability.

Supporting a circular economy

Reducing our environmental impact means improving waste management as a whole. This means reducing production at source, promoting reuse practices and recycling any residual waste.

Recycling or reusing electronic equipment

As a telecom operator and ICT service provider, POST sells and rents out a significant number of electronic devices. Mindful of the environmental impact linked to producing and recycling this equipment, the Group has launched several initiatives aimed at extending the life cycle of mobile terminals, repairing devices, promoting the reconditioning of IT equipment and encouraging its reuse. In 2023, POST became the first European telecom operator to obtain authorisation from Apple to repair iPhones

Supporting our customers towards digital sobriety

The Telecom & ICT sector is faced with a paradox between, on the one hand, responding to growing needs in terms of connectivity and IT infrastructure and, on the other hand, the need to reduce energy consumption linked to the digital services offered. We raise our customers’ awareness of responsible digital use when selecting their devices and suppliers, or even when overhauling their IT architecture, particularly with the aim of optimising resource requirements.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Procurement Department has developed a code of conduct to promote purchasing and subcontracting in line with POST Luxembourg's CSR approach.

View the Annual Report

Discover how POST creates value for all our stakeholders and Luxembourg, as well as the CSR approach that is embedded in all our activities.