POST’s eboo banking application now available in Portuguese - POSTGroup
At the beginning of October 2022, POST Luxembourg updated its eBanking application "eboo", whose interface is now available in Portuguese, in addition to Luxembourgish, French, English and German.
With the launch of the new eboo packages at the beginning of 2022, POST Finance has set itself apart with a particularly simple and transparent offering, with no hidden charges. POST Finance private customers benefit from free online transfers via the eboo eBanking application and can withdraw money free of charge from all ATMs, regardless of the ATM operator, in Luxembourg and abroad.
POST also guarantees all its customers the fairest possible access to banking services by offering eBanking in 5 languages, POST Finance product descriptions in 14 different languages, as well as a large network of multilingual branches and a multilingual call-center. In this way, POST Luxembourg fully assumes its role as an organization promoting financial inclusion and aims for maximum simplification and transparency for both private and professional customers.
The eboo interface is accessible via smartphone, tablet and web browser, and offers all POST eBanking functions in a visually identical way across all media. The user can select the interface language via the menu function in the top right-hand corner.
(Source : POST Luxembourg, 10 octobre 2022)
A aplicação bancária eboo do POST está agora disponível em português
No início de outubro de 2022, o POST Luxembourg atualizou a sua aplicação eBanking «eboo», cuja interface está agora disponível em português, além de luxemburguês, francês, inglês e alemão.
Com o lançamento dos novos packs eboo no início de 2022, o POST Finance foi capaz de se distinguir com uma oferta particularmente simples e transparente, sem custos ocultos. Os clientes particulares do POST Finance beneficiam de transferências online gratuitas através da aplicação eBanking eboo e podem levantar dinheiro sem taxas em todas as caixas automáticas, independentemente do seu operador, no Luxemburgo e no estrangeiro.
O POST também garante a todos os seus clientes igualdade no acesso bancário, disponibilizando a eBanking em 5 idiomas, as descrições das ofertas do POST Finance em 14 idiomas diferentes, bem como uma grande rede de agências e um call center multilingues. O POST Luxembourg assume assim plenamente o seu papel como organismo que promove a inclusão financeira e visa a máxima simplificação e transparência para os clientes particulares e profissionais.
A interface eboo é acessível através do smartphone, tablet e navegador de Internet e oferece todas as funcionalidades eBanking do POST de forma visualmente idêntica em todos os suportes. O utilizador pode escolher o idioma da interface graças à função de menu situada no canto superior direito.
(Fonte: POST Luxembourg, 10 de outubro de 2022)
About POST Luxembourg
POST Luxembourg is the country's leading postal and telecommunications operator, offering its services to residential and business customers. Other activities include postal financial services and philately. With over 4,700 employees working for the company and its subsidiaries, the POST Luxembourg Group is one of Luxembourg's leading employers.
Founded in 1842 as an administration, POST Luxembourg has been a public company owned by the Luxembourg State since 1992. Facilitating the communication and transmission of information, data and content between individuals and businesses in Luxembourg and around the world is the vision of the POST Luxembourg Group.
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